The Future of Manufacturing in Florida

Florida ranks within the first 10 states for manufacturing. In the state of Florida, there are around 19000 manufacturers employing more than 3, 31,000 manpower. Manufacturing in Florida ranges from plastic to car manufacturing. Four main reasons behind the manufacturing industry ramping up in Florida is Infrastructure, Work force, Global access and the tax exemptions available.
The state literally manufactures everything from aerospace products, pools, pharmaceuticals, batteries, communications equipment, semiconductors, world’s best watercrafts and cars.
Future Is towards Expanding Exports
The future of Florida’s manufacturing sector is one focused on increasing exports, leveraging a growing talent pool. Many programs are conducted to help the small sized manufacturers to take advantage of the export business, no matter whether they are new to exporting or expanding a business to another country.
Evidently, it’s not only about increasing the manufacturing of goods as the Florida Manufacturer’s Association partnered with the logistic companies and ports to avail most efficient logistics.
The government allotted a huge fund of $15 million USD to 12 colleges to start new programs on manufacturing and this will fill the gap between demand and supply of skilled resources.
Reusable Orbital Launchers
Florida is ready with the most advanced manufacturing plants to build aerospace machines for Blue Origin, a private aerospace research company. The facility at the Exploration Park is equipped with
most modern production plant for building reusable fleets of orbital launchers.
Micro Satellites and communication
OneWeb, a global communications network company recommended the Space Coast in Florida for its new venture. The company creates 250 high-tech manufacturing and engineering jobs along with $85 million investment.
Additionally, the company is planning to design, build and launch a huge network of small, low earth orbit satellites. This is meant to facilitate internet services to every corner of the Earth at a low cost. These micro satellites are very light, easy to launch and will be mass produced.
Life Science
Florida evolved as a true hub for the life sciences, pharmaceutical, and medical device industry. It is home to the nation’s most highly reputed research centers; more than 1,100 biotech, pharmaceutical, and medical devices companies.
The future of manufacturing in this state will be focussed towards artificial body parts through 3D printing
technology, new medical devices facilitating revolutionary changes in the medical field as well as biotechnology invention against cancer, diabetic treatment, and genetic diseases.
3D Printing technology
There will be high dependence on 3D printing technology. Its applications are increasing at a high rate, as more and more people are moving towards the technology manufactured items from plastic guns that are largely controversial to the prosthetic limbs in Orlando.
This invention will make huge changes in medical field and manufacturing of artificial organs. Orlando-based Medical Company, Limitless Solutions use 3D printing to offer custom-made “bionic” arms that are availed to children at no cost.